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Weight Loss Journey: Robert Ginn

Robert’s background

After roughly 20 years of international and domestic business travel / customer entertainment my weight had increased from 240 to 425. I had tried a variety of weight loss programs, to no avail.

Details are included in a Gastric By-Pass Pre-Approval letter that I developed from a lot of research in 2002/2003. This letter was used as the format for future University of Pittsburgh Medical Center (UPMC) Bariatric Program candidates.

Surgery & recovery

During my research, I had found out that Carnie Wilson (Bryan Wilson’s daughter) had been through the Roux-en-Y procedure in 1999 and she made available to me a video of her surgery.

After selecting a Surgeon, with the help of UPMC and finally gaining the approval of my healthcare provider, a date for the surgery was set for the week before Thanksgiving in 2003, with my weight at 407 lbs.