5 Tips For A Healthy Easter Holiday

By Derek
5 Tips For A Healthy Easter Holiday

Bari Life knows Easter is a special time of year for many people. While the thought of trying to prepare for Easter celebrations while juggling your daily exercise, healthy eating and bariatric lifestyle may seem like a daunting one, Bari Life offers FIVE great tips to keep you on the right track toward your weight loss goals through the Easter holiday.

Americans’ obsession with Easter candy

Did you know, next to Halloween, Easter is the biggest candy-eating occasion of the year? According to statistics from the 2019 Easter holiday:

  • $2.5 billion was the annual spending on Easter candy
  • 16 billion jellybeans consumed (enough to circle the globe 3 times)!
  • 91 million chocolate bunnies sold in the U.S.
  • 70% of the Easter candy purchased was chocolate

Tips to stay on the right path

It can be so hard to resist the beautifully packaged delectable chocolate bunnies and eggs wrapped in their bright pastel colors of spring.  It’s easy to feel like you’re missing out and aren’t in the spirit if you just say pass to these goodies. That’s where we are here to help!

Whether you’re preparing for bariatric surgery, just had surgery or are several months post-surgery, Bari Life offers Five tips to help you stay on track during this fun and festive season. These healthy alternatives will help you stay on track with your weight loss goals and bariatric lifestyle!

1. Fill up on eggs

And we definitely mean the ones laid by chickens! Not the chocolate-filled, caramel-filled or marshmallow-filled ones.

Recent studies have shown that you don’t want to eat too many eggs because the yolk contains high levels of bad cholesterol, but that’s why we recommend hard-boiling them for Easter.

For extra fun, get creative and in the spirit of the holiday by natural dying your eggs, and when you’re ready to eat them enjoy the egg whites with your favorite seasoning and just throw out the yolk for good measure.

natural dyed hard boiled easter eggs

But if you love your eggs with the yolk, whether that’s hardboiled, scrambled or eggs over easy then you should definitely use Easter as your time to enjoy eggs the way you like them! Eggs are a killer weight-loss-food.

eggs over easy

Everything is okay in moderation of course! Plenty of studies have also shown that eggs are one of the top weight-loss-friendly foods for you. They curb your cravings for sweet things because they leave you feeling fuller for longer.

Eggs are full of protein which is key for your bariatric diet and for retaining and building muscle.

2. Think protein-rich chocolate

When it comes to chocolate at Easter, there are more options that will curb those chocolate cravings than the chocolate hollow bunnies and cadbury eggs at the grocery store. Check out our favorite Swaps for classic chocolate candy bars with Bari Life’s Easter candy swap alternatives.

Reese's Easter Egg Swap

3. Eat like a bunny

Not like the Easter bunny with hot cross buns and mounds of fat-filled and sugar spiked chocolate eggs, but like a rabbit who grazes on healthy greens throughout the day. Spring and Easter is the perfect time to make fresh and beautiful vegetable platters and dishes.

Easter Veggie Platter

Sometime’s presentation is everything. If our everyday food could be as bright and colorful as the processed junk at the store it would be so delightful wouldn’t it? Well, the good news is, it can!

veggie baskets

Don’t you want to gobble up these veggies since they are so perfectly presented in these cute little baskets!? We sure do! Keep hummus, Greek yogurt, salsa, and guacamole on hand in your home to always have a quick and easy, healthy snacking option to pair with all of the healthy vegetables you have on hand.

4. Vanilla Bunny Protein Bites

This tip is really all about trying a new Protein-Packed recipe. Our high protein bars really cover most of the chocolate Easter candy staples, but for all of the vanilla lovers and people who love to bake or cook for themselves, we know you’re aching to create something wonderful and delicious.

Use this holiday as a time to make something extra high in protein and healthier than you are used to making by incorporating protein supplements in your recipe.

You might be surprised how many protein-packed recipes there are and how great they turn out.

Bariatric Easter Dessert Recipe

The Bari Life Vanilla Protein Pudding/Shakes are fantastic for adding to countless recipes. They are quick and easy to make when you want to enjoy them on their own too.

Not only is this product gluten-free, but it is soy-free too! One packet has only 80 calories and 15 grams of protein per serving.

For the Vanilla Bunny Protein Bites recipe click here.

5. Treat yourself to something new

Forget the traditional treats of Easter baskets filled with sweets and spring clean your routine by trying a new activity this Easter. You deserve better than a basket of chocolate and all of the calories that will bog you down with it! Treat yourself to a day at the spa.

Whether you get a massage, a facial or a mani and pedi or all of the above, self care is so important and you deserve it. Since we can’t go out to receive these services during this quarantine for Covid-19 set up the spa at home.

Amazon Prime your favorite candles and bath products and create a space that’s all about relaxation. Or you could treat yourself to a session of something more physical that you would not normally do like yoga or Pilates online.

spa day

Even challenge yourself to a hike in a nearby park, the mountains or a long bike ride. Trying something new will give you a boost of confidence and sense of accomplishment, so you can stay focused and motivated on your bariatric journey and weight loss goals.

Easter’s right around the corner, so give yourself the opportunity to start implementing these tips into your daily routine.

To your health!

The Bari Life Team

Improving the health and wellness of bariatric patients around the world by providing the most complete bariatric vitamin formulas.


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