A Guide to Healthy, Effective Weight Loss

By Guinn Garcia
healthy weight loss

With so many fad diets on the market that claim to help you shed pounds quickly, it’s hard to know which one is ideal for you. However, these seven methods remain the best path to effective and healthy weight loss.

Knowing How to Restrict Calories

You can’t eat just the bare minimum to get through the day in order to lose weight and keep it off. Restricting calories too much might help you lose weight quickly, but it’s unhealthy for your body.

Additionally, when you cut down the number of calories you eat excessively, it causes your body to compensate later, so you may end up regaining weight as quickly as you lost it.

Typically, you can figure out how many calories you need for energy each day to maintain your current weight by multiplying your weight in pounds by 15.

For example, if you’re 130 pounds, you should consume 1950 calories per day. If you want to lose weight, you must eat fewer calories than that. To lose weight, you want to reduce your daily caloric intake by at least 500 calories, but you can reduce it more than that.

For example, if you’re a woman, you can lower the number of calories you eat or drink daily to 1,200. On the other hand, if you’re a man, you must ingest at least 1,500 each day.

Choosing the Right Foods

If you’re cutting calories but not reducing the amount of simple sugars you’re eating, you might not lose all the weight you could.

You’ll want to restrict the amount of sugar and refined carbohydrates you consume since they cause spikes in your blood sugar. Some foods you’ll want to avoid as much as possible include pasta, pastries, white flour, white rice, white dough, and white bread.

Replace these simple carbohydrates with whole-grain choices.

Choosing the Right Snacks

You need to eat a variety of foods but especially fruits, veggies, and fiber. You’ll want to incorporate as many fresh fruits and non-starchy vegetables in your diet as possible.

Usually, it’s okay to eat as much fresh fruit and vegetables as you want because you will feel full before you consume too many calories from these types of foods alone.

When you eat vegetables, you’ll want to eat them raw or steamed. Avoid frying or battering them! A quick tip to make eating your veggies easier: add vegetables to your sandwiches to make them more nutritious and filling!

Start Your Meal With Salad

Before you eat your main course, you should start your meal with a salad.

By doing so, you’re consuming foods that fill you up without adding a lot of calories to your diet.

Plus, you receive all of the nutrients from the vegetables. For the healthiest salads, use spinach or mixed greens over iceberg lettuce and avoid dressing if you can. If you need the dressing, try light oil or balsamic vinegar.

Increase Your Water Intake

You may confuse thirst with hunger, so always make sure you stay hydrated. You’ll want to drink water immediately before each meal to make you feel fuller more quickly. The better hydrated you stay, the more your body will thank you!

Exercise Matters

To lose weight and keep it off, you have to exercise regularly. Don’t just stick to cardio, either! Make a conscious effort to do cardio and strength training.

Get Adequate Vitamins

Your body needs proper nutrition to burn calories. Use Bari Life vitamins to acquire all of the nutrients you need to lose weight by visiting Bari Life today. Keep in mind, B vitamins help with metabolism!


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One comment

  1. Thanks for explaining how you should either eat your vegetables raw or steamed when losing weight. My wife is interested in losing 10 pounds before we go on vacation this spring, but she tends to get hungry before it is time for dinner. Maybe she should consider using weight loss supplements to help her lose weight without getting hungry.

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