Bari Life’s Tips For Better Sleep

By Derek

Tips for better sleep

Bari Life knows that sleep plays a vital role in maintaining good health. Post bariatric surgery, not only do you need to develop a habit of taking daily bariatric vitamins and supplements, you also need to develop healthy sleep habits.

Sleep and weight gain

You may be taking your daily dose of vitamins and supplements, but are you getting enough sleep? Studies show lack of sleep may contribute to weight gain. Why? According to a few studies, sleep loss tends to adversely affect your body and appetite in a couple different ways:

  • You feel hungry even if you are full. Lack of sleep appears to alter the secretion of cortisol, a hormone that regulates appetite. As a result, if you fail to get a good night’s sleep, you may continue to feel hungry despite following your daily diet.
  • You may be at higher risk for developing diabetes. Lack of sleep interferes with your body’s ability to metabolize carbohydrates, which could lead to high levels of blood sugar, prompting the overproduction of insulin.

Tips to help you get your Zzzz’s

More than just following your diet, exercising daily and taking your vitamins and supplements, ensuring you get enough sleep is vital to your weight loss success.

Follow these five tips to help you sleep better:

  1. Take a hot bath or shower – You get sleepy as your body temperature drops. Take a hot bath or shower right before bed and then lie down and let your body temperature get low.
  2. Black it out – Even the smallest amount of light can disturb your sleep. Make sure all lights are off, turn your glowing alarm clock away from sight and turn out the hall light. If you work third shift and sleep during the day, consider purchasing blackout shades for your windows and consider donning a sleep mask to help keep out the light.
  3. Shut it out – The world continues to turn as you sleep. It may be quiet in your house, but outside may be a different story. Turn on a fan or even purchase a machine that produces white noise or nature sounds to help block the intrusive sounds outside your home.

And remember, getting a good night’s sleep is followed by eating a healthy breakfast – the most important meal of the day!

To your health!
The Bari Life Team

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