Have an EGGcellent Easter using Bari Life Supplements!

By Derek

Have an EGGcellent Easter
Just when you thought all of the holidays were behind you no longer threatening your weight-loss goals, along comes Easter! Towering displays of chocolate bunnies and marshmallow Peeps are definitely pleasing to the eye, but you can discourage the temptation to buy and eat them. All it takes is a little planning!

It’s okay to splurge once in a while even when you’re on an intense weight loss plan and Easter may be one of those times where you’d like to cut yourself some slack. The “secret” to staying on your weight loss course is to splurge on healthier options. Even if you eat healthily, you still have to limit yourself to the quantity of food you consume. That’s why it’s really easy to wreck your diet and gain weight when holidays that center around sweets and goodies come about because it doesn’t take very many candies to over consume calorically.

You’re not going to feel full or satisfied from chocolates and marshmallows unless you eat enough to make you full. Unfortunately, it takes a lot to feel full off of sugary and fatty foods because they do not provide near enough nutrients that your body needs only leaving you wanting more.

Have an EGGcellent Easter
Let’s compare the Cadbury Caramel Egg to our very own Bari Life Caramel Crunch protein bar. Instead of splurging on Cadbury eggs, opt to eat 2 Bari Life Caramel Crunch Bars for your snack instead of your usual 1 bar. If you eat 2 Caramel Crunch bars as opposed to 2 Cadbury eggs, you would be shocked as to how satisfied and full you would feel. Whereas if you ate just 2 Cadbury eggs you’d probably feel the urge to keep eating more right away.

If you view the Nutrition Facts for the Caramel Cadbury Egg and the Bari Life Caramel Crunch Bar below, you’ll notice that 1 Bari Life bar has the same number of calories as 1 Cadbury Caramel Egg. It would seem that because the calories are equivalent they would leave you feeling the same, but that is not the case. The reason why the Bari Life Caramel Crunch bar is going to leave you full and satisfied for much longer than the Cadbury Egg is due to the amount of protein that is packed into a Bari Life protein bar and the reduced amount of sugar (almost by half).

Try something different this holiday and “splurge” on the healthy options. The Bari Life Caramel Crunch bar is a great tasting bar similar to a Nestle chocolate crunch bar with a decadent layer of caramel. It is sure to satisfy your Easter chocolate caramel egg craving!

To your health!

The Bari Life Team
Improving the health and wellness of bariatric patients around the world by providing the most complete bariatric vitamin formulas that are highly effective and clinically proven.


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