Drinking Soda After Gastric Sleeve Surgery

By Derek

Key Takeaways

  • Drinking soda after gastric sleeve is not recommended due to its carbonation and zero nutrients.
  • Drinking soda can cause many issues including bloating, gas, acid reflux, decreased healing after surgery, decreased weight loss, possible dehydration, and decreased absorption of vitamins and minerals.
  • There any many healthy alternatives to soda including water (always the best choice), milk (non-fat or low-fat), decaf coffee (black if you can), and decaf tea.

Gastric sleeve surgery changes your life from how you look to how you perceive food and ultimately what your new eating habits are going to be like for the rest of your life.

One of the biggest struggles with getting a gastric sleeve is learning what foods and beverages your new stomach can handle. Many bariatric patients drink soda on a regular basis before the surgery, but it isn’t something that should be included in your new changed lifestyle.

Can I drink Soda?

If you want to look at soda on a purely technical basis you can drink it after surgery, but it is definitely not advised for multiple reasons. Regular, low-calorie and no-calorie sodas should all be avoided in favor of water after bariatric surgery.

soda after gastric sleeve

Why is soda a bad idea after gastric sleeve surgery?

Carbonation causes gas, bloating and carries a risk of acid reflux. One of the reasons you don’t want to consume soda is due to the carbonation that is present in all forms including colas, clear-colored and no caffeine varieties.

The bubbles cause expansion of your stomach and bloating, which you can burp out to relieve discomfort under normal circumstances, but the reduced size of your stomach can make the discomfort severe and could be significantly painful.

It can also slow healing from the procedure because the bloating puts excessive pressure on the incision. The same logic applies to anything with carbonation including beer, sparkling wine, champagne, or seltzer water.

If you absolutely cannot go without, limit your intake to a few sips and allow it to get flat before consuming for less carbonation and irritation.

Slows down weight loss. Beverages other than water tend to be high in sugar and carbohydrates. These empty calories make it harder to lose weight and keep it off, not to mention they may spur a craving for other sugars and sweet foods.

Caffeine is a diuretic. Most sodas contain caffeine which dehydrates your body, meaning you need to drink even more water than the recommended 64 ounces per day. It also affects how some vitamins and minerals are absorbed into your system.

Since the sleeve already impacts how your body absorbs nutrients it’s essential for you to do everything you can to ensure you aren’t depriving it of any others.

Alternatives to Soda

Water. The importance of water cannot be overstressed. Water keeps you hydrated and is the best beverage to consume. Keep a bottle with you at all times to ensure you’re getting at least the minimum amount needed every day.

If you need a little flavor add a slice of lemon or a sugar-free flavoring packet such as crystal light.

Milk. This alternative varies from one person to another. Some bariatric patients can handle drinking milk, while others have irritation due to the lactose content. Look for no-fat varieties and take small sips.

Decaffeinated coffee or tea. If you need a hot beverage and water isn’t cutting it, you can opt for non-caffeinated coffee or tea in moderation. It is advised not to have more than 16 ounces per day.

Keep water in your head as your main beverage at all times to make the most out of your experience.

Final thoughts

The gastric sleeve process modifies the way your digestive system functions. Committing to bariatric surgery isn’t something that is a temporary decision.

It is a lifestyle change that you need to commit to and put the effort forward to maintain your health.

Remember, you will have to sacrifice some old habits for new ones following surgery if you want to be successful long-term.

When in doubt, always turn to water first.

What’s your take on drinking soda after gastric sleeve surgery?

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  1. Hi , I had gastric sleeve surgery and I really and genuinely regret it , and I was wandering what’s the safest and quickest way to increase stomach or atleast liquid intake as im too used to taking hard kind sips and it’s painful

  2. How damaging is soda, coffee and chocolate in moderation for the Gastric sleeve patient long term. I guess my takeaway after sleeve surgery 2 years ago is not tremendously favorable. Yes, I lost about 80 lbs and my blood glucose levels went down. But….. I have noticed increased irritability, a feeling of nervousness and tension when I wake early in the morning and because of no muscle tissue left around my hind parts, I am always sitting directly on my tail bone. So if given the choice again, I would likely go with the Keto diet and forget the sleeve hype. The instant gratification of the weight loss has generally reduced the number of days in a week when I genuinely feel good physically.

  3. I had gastric over 30 years ago and stayed away from Diet Coke until the last three years. I feel like I’m addicted. My weight is still about the same but my size is enlarged. My belly and waist have expanded. Do you think this is from the carbonation? I’m willing to give it up if it will reduce my bloated stomach.

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